At tomorrow’s session, the Government anticipates to establish that in order to realize procurement of the services for printing and preparation of seals by the Central Electoral Commission of the RA, 94,5 million AMD and 26.7 million AMD respectively will be allocated from the 2016 State Budge Funds of the RA without prior publication of the announcement on the tender on procurement in compliance with the negotiation procedures stipulated by Article 20, Part 5, Point 2 of the RA Law “On Procurement”.
Why does the Government hasten and make such a decision for the coming session? The Draft grounds that according to the RA Electoral Code policy, strict deadlines are set for preparing the seals, publishing electoral documents on organizing works of electoral committee and electoral procedure.
Particularly, pursuant to the requirement of Article 14 of the RA Electoral Code the Authorized Body (Passport and Visa Office, Police of the Republic of Armenia) forms the precincts in communities, not later than 45 days prior to the day of voting, which means that the number of precinct centers is known only 45 days before the voting. Without this information the start of seal preparation works is impossible.
According to the requirements of Article 57, Part 6 the RA Electoral Code, the publications of electoral lists starts not sooner than 10 days and not later than 3 days (Passport and Visa Office, Police of the Republic of Armenia) based on the information provided by the authorized body about the number of voters 10 days before voting.
Moreover, the executive says that the timeframe of anticipated works a lot of non-working days are included, so the proper and timely implementation of works is emphasized.
According to the draft the selection of subjects who will carry out the work is of essential importance, as in case of their failure the organization and implementation of voting will be endangered because the mentioned activities should be carried out in definitely decided short terms and ensuring proper quality.