“In general, there are no legislative problems in the terms of the protection of women’s rights,” considers advocate Arthur Harutyunyan. In his opinion, the main problem is the mentality of society. “Changing the public mentality is the priority issue. In general I do not see legislative problems. But some legislative norms may be reviewed. For example, to clarify the process of receiving alimony, when one party refuses to pay alimony and nothing can be undertaken against it. Police and law enforcement agencies are inefficient. In this case, it may be considered what mechanisms shall be introduced,” said the advocate.
Menua Brutyan, the President of “Lori Citizens Union” NGO believes that the women’s participation in our public and political life is rather low. “”In our marz, as well as in Armenia in general the women are involved mainly in the spheres of education and health. However their involvement in the state and administrative circles is on a rather low level. The same situation is in the local self government bodies,” he said. The NGO President considers that all these is due to our mentality.
Women’s involvement in the State Structures is on a rather Low Level