Legislative Changes have a Beginning but no End: Armen Haykyants

The Ministry of Justice has launched the activities of the reforms of the Civil Code. The RA Civil Code was adopted on 5 May, 1998, put into operation from on 1 January, 1999.

Deputy Dean of the YSU Faculty of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor of Haykyants believes that legislative changes should always be directed to the practice and circulation, “Life is constantly moving forward, while the laws stay in static state. They should be changed constantly as well and to conform with the requirements of practice,” he said positively assessing the process of the amendments of the Code. “Since its adoption the Civil Code has undergone many changes and amendments, but we realized that partial changes and amendments do not provide system changes,” the Professor said.

According to Mr. Hyakyants, the accumulated problems led to the need to implement comprehensive and systematic reforms, “Of course, after the amendment of the Civil Code the progress shall not stop, that is these changes will not put an end to the process. This is a certain stage of the legislative development, and in the upcoming years we may have pectoral and systematic changes. Legislative changes have a beginning but no end,” the Deputy Dean of the YSU Faculty of Law concluded.


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