In February 2009, Mrs. Lusine Voskanyan, citizen of Ijevan applied to the AAC of Tavush Marz of the RA and informed that she was registered in the list of the citizens of Ijevan city who need flat. Mrs. Voskanyan lived in the dormitory of the former school #4 of Ijevan city. Currently she was removed from the mentioned list and was dismissed without the corresponding court decision from the room of the dormitory where she lived temporarily. The AAC studied the all documents of the case provided by L Voskanyan, including the document dated to 27.09.1999, which witnessed that she was registered in the list of the citizens of Ijevan city who need flat. Yet, by unknown reasons her named was removed from this list. On 2 March 2009 the AAC sent a notice to Ijevan City Administration with a request to provide information on the number of the citizens registered in the list of individuals who need flat since 1999, how many people from the list received flats, and whether Lusine Voskanyan was include c in that list. The City Administration neglected the notice. After several attempts and reminders to the City Administration to provide the requested information, on 09.11.2009 the AAC filed an appeal to the Administrative Court of the RA with a claim on the request to provide information. Only after that the AAC received a reply from Ijevan City Administration that Mrs. Lusine Voskanyan was not among the persons who need flat because she was provided a land (ground area). After receiving this reply the AAC involved an advocate who prepared an application which introduced the detailed information that Mrs. Voskanyan had provided the documentation of the ground area, which shows that the land was provided to her on competitive basis with the right to construction (built constructions). At the same time the ground area was provided to her on the basis of long term lease, with the right to built constructions of public need (importance). However the mentioned contract did not solve the living problem of the citizen, because she was not authorized to build a house. In addition under such conditions, the lease contract was suitable for the physical person carrying out entrepreneur activities or for a juridical person. At the same time the applicant did not have enough financial means to realize construction activates. Further according to the RA Civil Law the lender is entitled to revise the costs of the lease contract at any time, and the lessee cannot interfere in deciding the amount of the sum, und later in case of reviewing the amount of the sum and not returning it he may lose the ground area (the land). This once and again proves that the issue of the flat (of living) of the individual is not solved by the contract, as the contract may be terminated at any time in case of not paying the sum. Thus threw will be a need to include the citizen in the list of people who need flat and to provide a flat which has suitable living conditions.
Thereby in result of an in-depth study of the legal acts, and involvement of experienced specialists, as well as the consistent behavior by the AAC Mrs. Lusine Voskanyan was restored in the list of citizens who need flat. In addition the Mayor of Ijevan city in his turn undertake responsibility and promised to solve the housing problem of the applicant in the frame work of house building projects realized in Ijevan City with support of different international organizations and funds. He promised to do this in case of the first opportunity and informed about this to the AAC of Ijevan Marz of the RA in his notice dated 25 March 2010.
It is really remarkable that this is the second serious achievement after signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Advocacy and Assistance Center of Tavush Marz of the Republic of Armenia, which is operated by the Armenian Young Lawyers Association NGO and Ijevan City Administration on 25 February 2010.
The Citizen Avoided Problem of Staying Homeless