Requesting Ruben Hayrapetyan’s Involvement as a Suspect

On 3 July, under public pressure MP Ruben Hayrapetyan representing the ruling RPA, President of the Armenian Football Federation informed about his resignation form parliamentary mandate. The reason was the incident of violence and brutal beating of a group of military doctors in Hrasnaqar Restaurant Complex, which belongs to Hayrapetyan, on 17 June. In result, Vahe Avetyan, one of the victims died on 29 June.
The fact of Hyarapetyan’s visit to the Presidential Seat and resignation from his mandate once and again provides opportunity to think about some already established decision making mechanisms in Armenia. This was an attempt to stop the anticipated discussion in the Parliament referring to the incident.
The public pressure shall not stop.
There are other aspects of the case as well: It is already established fact that Hayrapetyan’s personal body guards were among the violators. This is a ground to consider that Ruben Hayrapetyan was in Harsnaqar Complex during the incident on 17 June and it is not excluded that he might have ordered the violence.
We demand:
1. To initiate criminal proceeding regarding the case and involve Ruben Hayrapetyan as a suspect.
2. Involve in the criminal proceeding all persons connected with the crime.
3. Dismiss Ruben Hayrapetyan from the position of the President of Armenian Football Federation.

Reminder: An action with this demand shall take place in front of the RA National assembly tomorrow, on 04.07.2012 at 10:00am. All parliamentary fractions shall be in the session hall of the NA at a meeting with Herman Van Rampo, the President of the European Council.
““We demand punishment of the culprits of Harsnaqar” Initiating group.

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