“He always said ‘if I’m captured, I’ll pull the grenade,’ and that’s what he did”: Tigran Babikyan fell in Jermuk

Tigran was a benchmark of kindness and honesty. Tigran Babikyan served in Jermuk. He fell as a result of another Azerbaijani aggression on the night of September 12-13, 2022.

“He had a different mindset, he was a caring brother, devoted to his parents, loved nature very much, and was friendly,” this is how Tigran’s relatives remember and describe him.

His goal after completing military service was to work so that his father wouldn’t have to work: “I will do everything, I will provide everything so that my father doesn’t worry about anything, doesn’t need anything,” his friend recounts.

“When the 44-day war began, he was very distressed, saying ‘let’s go, let’s be with the guys.’ He thought far ahead. In 2022, when the war started, he called at night and said, ‘don’t lose heart, everything is fine, everything will be fine,’ and I wasn’t aware of anything,” says his friend.

A fellow serviceman remembers that the enemy’s first strike was on the position where Tigran was.

“They were surrounded. I continuously tried to establish contact. I wrote at night, and 9 days later we learned that no one remained from their position,” says his friend.

Another friend notes that they were informed that Tigran was the last to fall, pulling the grenade: “He always said ‘if I’m captured, I’ll pull the grenade.'”

Details in the video.


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