“They want my mother’s passport, how can I go get it?”: Marat, forcibly displaced from Artsakh, wants to become an Armenian citizen, but faces many problems

“They told us the Khachen Bridge was closing, so I found a vehicle to evacuate my bedridden mother,” Marat Sargsyan, who was forcibly displaced, told Iravaban.net as part of their series “Legal Issues of Artsakh Armenians in Armenia.”

“We had livestock, pigs, and a vegetable garden, which is how we got by. Before the blockade, I had renovated our house. Everything we did remained there. We couldn’t take anything with us, just one passport,” he noted.

Our interviewee said that he wishes to obtain Republic of Armenia citizenship, but he couldn’t bring several necessary documents with him, and now problems have arisen. He cannot take his bedridden mother out of the house to resolve the documentation issues. He mentioned that there should be a simplified procedure to allow people in such situations to obtain citizenship. He applied back in August 2024, but they still haven’t been able to become Armenian citizens.

“I need to get citizenship to benefit from housing assistance. I applied early, on August 15. I went and they told me what documents were needed, then I came home and just sat quietly—what could I do? I cannot take my mother, I don’t have a car, how can I put a bedridden woman in someone else’s car? I barely managed to bring her here,” said Marat Sargsyan.

Details in the video․


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