“There is a need to direct 1% of income tax to CSOs” said Gharib Harutyunyan, President of “Compass” NGO

This visual is the second in the series “Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)”. The series is implemented within the framework of the “Strong Civil Society” program with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The aim of the series is to study and present effective models of CSO financing, raise public awareness on this issue, and contribute to the development of civil society in Armenia. This video has been prepared by thoroughly studying the experience of implementing the 1% income tax mechanism in Eastern European countries. It aims to present the main principles, advantages and challenges of the mechanism based on the experience of these countries, and discuss its possible application in Armenia.

Subsequent articles will discuss the details of implementing this mechanism, its possible impact on the CSO field in Armenia, as well as present more detailed analyses of international experience.

We discussed the topic with Gharib Harutyunyan, President of the ‘Compass’ Research, Education, and Consulting Center.

This information product is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The contents are the responsibility of Armenian Lawyers’ Association, a subrecipient of Counterpart International, and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.


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