On 2 June, Minister of Internal Affairs Vahe Ghazaryan visited the disaster zone. The Director of the Rescue Service – Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Major General Kamo Tsutsulyan and the heads of the territorial units of the Service presented to the Minister of Internal Affairs the work done by the units of the Rescue Service in the disaster area.
It should be noted that the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has switched to enhanced service.
From 26 May to 3 June, rescue operations were carried out by 120 combat units of the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 26 operative groups, and 1419 rescue workers were involved.
970 rescue workers and 449 rescue workers worked in the disaster zones of Lori marz and Tavush marz respectively.
445 people were rescued and evacuated from various settlements in Lori and Tavush marzes by rescuers and other involved forces, namely, 403 people in Lori marz and 42 people in Tavush, including a total of 137 residents were evacuated from Sanahin station settlement.
Unloading of humanitarian cargo was carried out. Basic necessities, food, medicine and fuel were distributed to the population of the settlements in the disaster zone.
The units of the rescue service assisted the gas emergency service, electricity, communication and water supply companies performing emergency restoration works.
In the settlements affected by the disaster, the works of cleaning and evacuation from basements and courtyards, as well as providing food and other basic necessities to the inhabitants of the settlements cut off from the main roads continue.