“The Last Bell” rang at the Polytechnic High School

On 23 May, the “Last Bell” ceremony of the students of the 2023-2024 academic year of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia High School took place.

Rector of the University Gor Vardanyan delivered a congratulatory speech, wishing the graduates great personal happiness, success in the field of education and professional progress.

“During these three years, our beloved students in the High School of the Polytechnic University received a competitive education, pedagogical care, attitude, ability to think and create, so that they can move forward,” the Rector said.

He pointed out that during these years the students learned to solve problems in physics, mathematics, such problems that were put forward by pedagogues, teachers and various programs, and this skill should push them forward in other phases of life in solving various problems.

This year, 3 students in a group of 5 students represented the NPUA High School in the international physics Olympiad in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and these students graduated from high school today as well.

Gor Vardanyan awarded those three students with the emblem of the NPUA and commemorative-watches.

The director of the High School delivered a congratulatory speech at the event as well. The students said goodbye to the school through songs, dance and words of gratitude.

Details in the video.


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