For already two weeks attention of “The Civilitas” Foundation and CivilNet media has been drawn aside from their main mission. Instead of concentrating attention on strengthening of civil society and providing alternative and unbiased information to the public, we are answering to the unfounded question referring the ungrounded criminal case initiated with charge of “money laundering and fiscal evasion.”
The National Security Service has been drawn away from their most important duty of ensuring real security and has to deal with the search of some facts, which are necessary to ground the conclusion. Obviously all these is aimed to hinder the activities of “The Civilitas” Foundation and CivilNet media
Projects that Civilitas has initiated are being and are continued to be implemented during these four years in compliance with the Statute of the foundation and the requiems of the RA Laws. Our complete activities are audited on permanent basis.
The fact of suspecting any of the Board Members and/or any employee of Civilitas Foundation in being involved in a criminal offence is a real alert to the professionals of young generation of Armenia, who are devoted to their work, and who conceive that participation in the government of this country is their responsibility and their right.
In general, it is inadmissible and reprehensible when the name of such philanthropist like Jon Huntsman is mentioned in such case. The latter has had his great input as philanthropist and made investments in Armenia since the independence. Shall the Powers of the RA dispose such people and establishments who have had such notable inputs in democratization and development of our country?
The great public support which Civilitas receives during these days shows that we shall continue our activities aimed at protection of human rights together.
Statement of “Civilitas” referring the criminal case