The Right to National Self-Determination will be realized unhindered in Artsakh: Gevorg Danielyan

Lawyer, former Minister of Justice Gevorg Danielyan writes:

“In the Alma-Ata Declaration of 21 December, 1991, yes, territorial integrity and the inviolability of existing borders are established. But we have emphasized many times that only those who talk about territorial integrity and try to limit it, put an end to the right to national self-determination by force. Moreover, in the said Declaration, the right of national self-determination is fixed first, and then the territorial integrity was referred to.

“… aiming to build democratic constitutional states, the relations between which will develop on the basis of mutual recognition and respect of the state sovereignty and sovereign equality, THE INALIENABLE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION, the principles of equality and non-interference to internal affairs, refusal of use of force and threat of force, economic and any other methods of pressure, peaceful settlement of disputes, respect of human rights and freedoms, including the rights of ethnic minorities, fair accomplishment of obligations and other conventional principles and rules of international law; recognizing and respecting territorial integrity of each other and inviolability of the existing borders”…

«стремясь построить демократические правовые государства, отношения между которыми будут развиваться на основе взаимного признания и уважения государственного суверенитета и суверенного равенства, НЕОТЪЕМЛЕМОГО ПРАВА НА САМООПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ, принципов равноправия и невмешательства во внутренние дела, отказа от применения силы и угрозы силой, экономических и любых других методов давления, мирного урегулирования споров, уважения прав и свобод человека, включая права национальных меньшинств, добросовестного выполнения обязательств и других общепризнанных принципов и норм международного права»…

P.S. If you accept the territorial integrity on the basis of the Declaration, then you are obliged to make a reservation at the same time that the right to national self-determination will be realized in Artsakh without hindrance. This is also the requirement of the Constitution…”

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