I have decided to terminate my term as a member of the Yerevan Council of Elders: Member of “My Step” Faction

Grigor Yeritsyan, a member of the “My Step” Faction of the Yerevan Council of Elders, wrote on his Facebook page:

“Dear citizens,

Based on the current situation, I have decided to terminate my term as a member of the Yerevan Council of Elders. I express my fundamental disagreement with the initiative of the “My Step” Faction of the Council of Elders to express no confidence in the incumbent Mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan.

Regardless of internal disputes, I have authored a number of community drafts over the past three years, contributed to key reforms in the city, and tried to make the voice of the people of Yerevan heard in urban economic decision-making. Most importantly, I have adhered to my principles and the values ​​of the 2018 revolution.

I thank the Mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan for the care for the capital and for the principle of joint work, honesty so alien to the Armenian political culture. I thank the staff of the Yerevan Municipality and the members of the Council of Elders for the difficult journey we have taken together.”


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