Let me cheer you up too: Hayk Marutyan

Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutyan issued a statement saying,

“Dear citizens, dear compatriots,

Thank you for your response and warm words.


Let me cheer you up too. I have signed the applications for the purchase of 100 new buses and 100 elevators.

“Next year we will have a total of 1,000 replaced elevators, and we will have updated the city transport park by more than 60%, already having about 520 new buses,” he said.

It should be reminded that the “My Step” Faction of the Yerevan Council of Elders has started a process of expressing no confidence in Mayor Hayk Marutyan.

According to the Law on Local Self-Government in the City of Yerevan, after submitting a motion of no confidence in the mayor, a meeting of the Council of Elders is convened on the third working day, in which the issue of no-confidence in the mayor is decided by secret ballot.



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