We have been notified about the no-confidence motion against the Mayor of Yerevan: David Khazhakyan

Davit Khazhakyan, a member of the “Luys” Faction of the Yerevan Council of Elders, wrote on his Facebook page: “Late last night we were notified of the initiative to express no confidence to the Mayor of Yerevan. Please be informed that my colleague Tehmina Vardanyan and I have not joined the initiative yet.

In the coming days, before the draft is submitted, we will express our opinion.”

It should be reminded that the “My Step” Faction of the Yerevan Council of Elders has started a process of expressing no confidence in Mayor Hayk Marutyan.

According to the Law on Local Self-Government in the City of Yerevan, after submitting a motion of no confidence in the mayor, a meeting of the Council of Elders is convened on the third working day, in which the issue of no-confidence in the mayor is decided by secret ballot.


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