PM Pashinyan attends 6th summit of the Eastern Partnership

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan took part in the 6th summit of the Eastern Partnership at the European Council in Brussels.

The event was attended by the leaders of the EaP participant states – Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, as well as the leaders of the EU Member States.

The plenary session was preceded by a group photo-video session of the leaders of the EaP participant states with the President of the European Council Charles Michel, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and Janez Janša, the Prime Minister of Slovenia, a country currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

At the beginning of the plenary session, the President of the European Council Charles Michel addressed the participants of the summit. Afterwards, the leaders of the EaP participant states, as well as the EU Member States delivered remarks.

In his speech, Prime Minister Pashinyan touched upon the cooperation with the European Union within the framework of the Eastern Partnership, the institutional reforms being implemented in our country, the steps to strengthen democracy, development programs for small and medium business, infrastructure, as well as the developments in the South Caucasus region.

The 6th EaP Summit focuses on support to five key areas: support for the economy, governance, environment, digitalization and societies.

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