The Azerbaijani armed servicemen have just blocked the road from Goris to Vorotan: Human Rights Defender

Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan reports:

The Azerbaijani armed servicemen have just blocked the road from Goris to Vorotan in the Syunik province of Armenia (It is the section depicted in the photo). This fact has been confirmed by alarming calls submitted to the RA Human Rights Defender and their inspections.

This is an interstate road that secures the normal movement of the civilian population of Armenia; it is directly connected with the normal life of people.

These criminal actions of the Azerbaijani armed servicemen violate the right to free movement, and have completely disrupted people’s normal life.

Itself their presence on these roads is a violation of the right to life of people and their other internationally guaranteed fundamental rights.

After blocking the interstate road in the past of Davit Bek village of Kapan community (Shurnukh-Karmrakar part) by the Azerbaijani armed forces around 11 pm last night, the movement of people through this section has been also restricted.

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