Artak Budaghyan has been appointed Commander of the Special Army Corps

RA President Armen Sarkissian signed a decree on appointing Artak Budaghyan Commander of the Special Army Corps.

“Based on the proposal of the Prime Minister, in accordance with Article 133, Part 1 of the Constitution, as well as Article 35.1, Part 1 of the Law on Military Service and the Status of a Soldier, Article 36, Part 1, Clause 1:

To appoint Artak Budaghyan Commander of the Special Army Corps,” the presidential decree reads.

By another decree of Armen Sarkissian, Artak Budaghyan was relieved of the post of commander of the 4th Army Corps.

“Based on the proposal of the Prime Minister, in accordance with Article 133, Part 1 of the Constitution, as well as Article 40, Part 1, Clause 1 of the Law on Military Service and the Status of a Soldier:

To relieve Artak Budaghyan from the post of commander of the 4th Army Corps,” the decree reads.

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