The wind caused a number of damages: Ministry of Emergency Situations

On 23 August, at 8:42 pm, the Shirak Regional Crisis Management Center received an alarm that due to the wind, that a tree branch on T.Chartarapet Street was partially broken and appeared on electric wires. There is a danger of falling.
The RA Ministry of Emergency Situations informs.
A fire brigade from the fire-rescue detachment of the regional rescue department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations left for the scene.
Rescuers cut and removed the damaged tree branch (about 5 m long).
On 23 August, at 7:36 pm, the Tavush Regional Crisis Management Center received an alarm that a tree had fallen on the Azatamut-Aygehovit highway due to the wind, making the traffic one-way.
A fire brigade from the fire-rescue detachment of the regional rescue department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations left for the scene.
It turned out that the branch of the tree was torn off and fell on the 1st km of the Azatamut-Aygehovit highway.
The rescuers removed the damaged branch of the tree from the road.

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