Levy of Execution under Alimony Obligations

Under enforcement proceedings on levying alimony in execution, debtor’s property shall be levied in execution if he or she does not receive salary, pension, or does not have other income.


Under enforcement proceedings on levying alimony in execution, debtor’s property shall be realized so that the funds derived from forced realization of the property secure the satisfaction of the alimony claims for a period of up to three years, but not more than the end of the term for satisfying the alimony claims.


The amounts levied in execution shall be capitalized and transferred to the deposit account of the Compulsory Enforcement Service. Allocation of these amounts to the claimant shall be performed in the amount and intervals established by the writ of execution.


Where the claimant drops the claim in the prescribed manner prior to the full distribution of capitalized funds, or the alimony obligation has ceased on other grounds established by law, the funds remaining in the deposit account shall be returned to the debtor.


Source: Iravaban.net

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