Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said this today, on 13 May, during the regular sitting of the government.
“There are Azerbaijani soldiers near the lake, there is a large number of our soldiers there as well, but I want to say that the situation has not come to a military escalation, that is, there is no shootout, as work has been underway since yesterday to withdraw Azeri soldiers from the area. Why is the situation like this? First of all, let’s say that the occurrence was a pre-planned provocation, because the Azeris have obviously falsified maps with them, with which they want to prove that they are inside the borders of Azerbaijan, but I still say that those maps are falsified. It is obvious that this is in comparison with the officially approved maps in the Soviet times, and the existence of falsified maps shows that we are dealing with an organized provocation.
According to him, the fact of their being able to come forward is a separate topic of discussion.
Details in the video