A total of 1524 bodies were found after the ceasefire: search operations will be carried out today as well

The State Emergency Situations Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Artsakh Republic informs.

The search for the remains of the soldiers and reservists killed during the hostilities continues today in the regions of Jrakan (Jabrail) and Varanda (Fizuli) with 2 detachments.

It should be noted that in the occupied territories of Artsakh, rural and urban communities, positional, mountainous and forested areas, the rescuers of Artsakh have carried out rescue and search operations in all directions since 13 November, 2020.

A total of 1,524 bodies were found after the ceasefire.

The search is now being carried out as needed, with the participation of an escort familiar with the mandatory area or who has taken part in hostilities.”


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