PM Pashinyan extends congratulations on the occasion of Nowruz

On the occasion of Nowruz, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent congratulatory messages to Iran’s Supreme Leader Seyed Ali Khamenei and IRI President Hassan Rouhani.

The message addressed to Seyed Ali Khamenei reads:

“Your Majesty,

I warmly congratulate you and the friendly people of Iran on the Iranian New Year – Nowruz. May the coming year be a year of new achievements, peace and prosperity for Iran in all areas.

The ongoing mutually beneficial cooperation between our two friendly peoples, which are bound by deep-rooted historical affinities, has become even more important following the recent regional developments. I am confident that we will be able to develop the bilateral relations as much as possible to the benefit of our two countries and nations.

I wish Your Majesty robust health and personal wellbeing, as well as peace and progress – to the friendly people of Iran.”

The congratulatory message addressed to President Hassan Rouhani reads:


I warmly congratulate you and the friendly people of Iran on the Iranian New Year – Nowruz. May this ancient holiday bring peace and prosperity to friendly Iran!

The recent developments in the region call for greater efforts to speed up the implementation of bilateral programs. I am convinced that we will be able to use the new geopolitical realities to advance the interests of our two friendly countries and peoples.

I wish Your Excellency robust health and every success, as well as prosperity and peace – to the friendly people of Iran.”

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