If the Terms for submission of the Writ of Execution is missed

The writ of execution may be submitted for enforcement within one year starting from the day when:


(1) the judicial act has entered into force;
(2) the arbitral tribunal has rendered an award;
(3) the period of adjournment of enforcement of the judicial act has expired;
(4) the court has taken a decision to restore the missed term for submitting the writ of execution for enforcement;
(5) the decision of the Financial Ombudsman has become binding on the parties.


The claimant shall submit the application on restoring the missed term to the court which has issued the writ of execution. The court shall examine the application within a period of ten days upon the day of receiving it. The claimant and the debtor shall be properly notified about the time and place of the court session. Their failure to appear shall not be an obstacle to the examination of the application.


The court shall take a decision based on the findings of examination of the application.


The decision of the court may be appealed.

Source: Iravaban.net

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