The Ministry of Finance hinders the work of new small and medium enterprises, complicates their lives: Minister of Economy

In an interview with Public TV, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said that the current government program encourages entrepreneurship and free businesses, aimed at supporting the emergence of new businessmen, while the Ministry of Finance hinders the operation of new small and medium enterprises.

“The Ministry of Finance tries to maximize taxes, but with that it damages, hinders the work of new businessmen, new small-medium enterprises, complicates their lives.

We know a way to solve the problem from the opposite side, through making life easier for businessmen, to get more income in the budget. We will try to convince our partners that the approach we have taken, that is, to liberalize, to eliminate barriers, will be a much more effective tool to reduce the tax gap than to tighten it, because those tightening usually pushes businessmen into the shadows, and today’s shadow Most of the field has also been created because businessmen operate in an impossible legislative field,” the Minister of Economy said.

He also gave the example that the value added tax in the agricultural sector is 20%.

“It means that no one has the opportunity to engage in large-scale agriculture in the legal field, because he finds himself in a very unequal situation with the GUM market, where there is no tax regime,” he said.

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