What is this war for? Nikol Pashinyan answers 6 important questions

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan wrote on his Facebook page:

  1. What is this war for? The status of Karabakh.
  2. Could we have avoided this war? Yes, if we handed over the territories and agreed to the uncertain status of Karabakh, for an indefinite period of time, in the absence of a mechanism for further status adjustment.
  3. Could we achieve an acceptable or any status for Karabakh through negotiations? No, because the last opportunity to do so was in 2011 in Kazan.
  4. Can we stop this war? Theoretically, yes, with a slightly worse formula than the one mentioned in point 2.
  5. Can war solve the status of Karabakh? Yes, if we succeed in war.
  6. Can we succeed in war? Yes, if we focus the national potential around that goal and sincerely and selflessly commit to that goal.”

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