The secondary schools of Sotk and Kuty communities of Gegharkunik region were damaged as a result of the UAVs’ strikes: Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport informs.

“Schools in Sotk and Kuty communities of Gegharkunik have been damaged by the attacks of enemy UAVs in recent days.

In the conditions of the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan, the secondary schools of Sotk and Kuty communities of Gegharkunik region were damaged due to the recent attacks of the enemy UAVs. The windows of educational institutions shattered from the shock wave, and cracks appeared on the walls. Fortunately, the administrative staff of the schools and other employees were not injured.

The RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport and the regional administration will immediately take steps to repair the damage and provide the necessary conditions for the educational process.”

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