Naira Zohrabyan, a member of the “Prosperous Armenia” faction of the National Assembly, reports that the body of another person who died of a coronavirus has been lost as well. She writes on her Facebook page:
“So these you are!
So, to my alarm that the body of a grandmother from Gyumri who died of coronavirus has been lost and the relatives have not known for 2 days where to look for the body of their relative, the Ministry of Health responds something like this, “I would like to inform that before the statement, the Ministry of Health was already aware of the incident. A DNA test of the corpse will be performed if necessary. Please refrain from making assumptions without getting acquainted with the yet unexplained circumstances.” Roughly such an answer. Naturally, it turned out that the body really did not exist, and the sanitary who did not read Armenian well, gave the grandmother’s body to completely different people who had come to take their deceased. They took the corpse and buried someone else’s relative.
It is still good that the relatives of the missing grandmother weren’t told, well, let’s give you another corpse, go pick it up, take something.
What is happening in Armenia today, this absolute irresponsibility and cynicism, this sick complex of infallibility, will be really scary. I was waiting for the ministry or the Commandant’s Office to respond adequately to my call, saying thank you for calling, yes, something painful has happened and be sure that the culprits will be punished, and some will call and apologize to the grandmother’s relatives. But no, how can they have so much dignity and power to admit their mistake? These people will rather attack those who lost their own dead, what sort of irrelevant “mess” have you raised, well it is a corpse, and it has been lost, have you come out against this revolution, are you an anti-revolutionary?
You are sick, dear gentlemen of power, your illness is serious, and your disease is arrogance, disgusting populism, disgusting demagoguery, and not caring about the people.
And with a few demobilized fakes you have bred and if you together with the Glendale-Krasnodar Armenians equated to these, think you will be able to silence everyone and everywhere, I will say that you have made a terrible mistake in your calculations. If you think you are going to keep quiet about criminal cases, can’t you imagine the scale of your mistake?
Dear Los representatives and aunties from Ust-Kamenagorsk, who have been on the Facebook page again since yesterday, you are even trying to adjust the death and grief of a person to the comfort zones of the government you adore, you are such a funny ensemble.
Unlike you, for me and thousands like me, family is sacred, and sorrow is worthy of humility. And if you, sitting in-front-of your iPads or while painting your nails, think that when someone loses corps or, when the body of someone’s deceased is given to others, we should stay quiet, so that the revolutionary values are not shaken suddenly and the velvet is not spilled from the revolution, then you are deeply mistaken.
By the way, yesterday I received an alarm that the missing grandmother’s body was not the only case during this period. At the moment, I am clarifying the details and circumstances. If confirmed, wait for new information. Well, you sit in front of the iPads and wait “ready” to give me a “strong” counterattack and write in your mass media: “Look at the devastating blow that our compatriot from the village of Tupitsa in the Perm region hit Naira Zohrabyan.” What amuses me the most is the “crushing” with such headlines.
By the way, there is a village called Tupitsa, as there is a village called Khrenovo.”