Urologist, healthcare organizer Gevorg Grigoryan on his Facebook page referred to the first case of the detection of coronavirus in Armenia.
“Hours ago the Prime Minister announced the first case of the detection of coronavirus in Armenia.
Now it is necessary to:
- Convene a special government meeting to approve pre-elaborated (if not then urgently develop) patient identification, transportation, isolation and treatment procedures.
- Provide brief but meaningful training to primary health care practitioners according to the above practices.
- Train medical staff working in inpatient facilities (prioritize in particular therapists and resuscitators) according to the above practices.
- Whenever possible, separate all coronavirus patients in one hospital.
- Discuss and approve the issue of changing the deadlines for spring vacation in educational institutions.
- Distribute masks to people of the risk groups.
This much for the present.
Let’s wait for the reaction of the state authorities.
Dear Compatriots, please do not panic, but restrict your visits to public places. As soon as symptoms of the disease appear, please consult a doctor and do not take self-care.
This is a curable disease. Be healthy.”