The Prosecutor’s Office has rejected the appeal of the Serzh Sargsyan’s lawyer against the decision to impose arrest on the property of the third President of Armenia. learned this form Arevik Khachatryan, Head of Public Relations Department of the Prosecutor’s Office.
It should be reminded that based on the combination of sufficient evidence obtained during the preliminary investigation of the criminal case under investigation by the RA Special Investigation Service, the 3rd President of the RA Serzh Sargsyan was charged with committing a publicly dangerous act envisaged by Article 38-179 (3-1) of the RA Criminal Code that during the period he hold the office of President of the Republic of Armenia from 9 April, 2008 to 9 April, 2018, using his official position, in the period of 25 January, 2013 to 7 February, 2013, organized a group of officials through which they stole $ 489,160,310 in a particularly large amount of money from the state.