Former Head of “Sevan” subdivision of Cadastre is charged

The investigation concerning the former head of “Sevan” subdivision of State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre adjunct to the RA Government has been finished. The criminal case was initiated for the abusing cases during the works relating to land lease and construction of “Sevan National Park” SNCO.


According to the information provided by the Prosecutor’s Office the investigation established that E. Arakelyan, the former head of “Sevan” subdivision of State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre adjunct to the RA Government, abused his position contrary to the interests of the service and committed official fraud.


As a result, the state negligently suffered from significant damage with grave consequences. Based on the obtained evidences E. Arakelyan was charged by Part 2 Article 308 and Article 314 of the RA Criminal Code. The case was transferred to the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Gegharkunik region.



Note: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty by the court verdict lawfully entered into force as prescribed by Criminal Procedure Code.



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