In the interview with, MP Aram Manukyan said that he was not aware of the draft law “On Prevention of Corruption and Ethics Commission.” This draft was presented for public discussion on e-draft website in the period of 3 – 18 February. However Mr. Manukyan heard about this website for the first time as well.
The new draft is intended to rename the about the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials and to expand its authorities. At the same time the issue of selection of the members is left unchanged. According to the draft the RA President appoints the members of the Commission according to recommendation of the President of the RA NA, the Prime Minister, the President of the Constitutional Court, and Chairman of the Court of Cassation, Prosecutor General, each may recommend one member, for the term of 6 years.
“It is excluded that this body may be independent and work, especially in the case of a parliamentary system. My approach is that there should be equal participation of representatives of the civil society. This system should inspire confidence. Authorities cannot control themselves,” Mr. Manukyan said and brought the example of the Anti-Corruption Councils that operated in Armenia. “We have had independent anti-corruption commission in the structure of the Government several times. But the Prime Minister or the Minister of Finance always were the head of these commissions. This is not serious,” Mr. Manukyan said.
Mr. Manukyan was sincere speaking about the activity of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials, “I have not seen their work. There is a political element here. They merely fill in the papers, and what is more, during the five years, this body has not made any disclosure, or raises any noise, about the mismatch found. This body was not and cannot become effective. How can bodies, which resides in the presidential administration and has only paper functions, fight against corruption,” Mr. Manukyan concluded.