On 23 December 2016, the defense Ministry signed a Contract with “Telia-Med” CJSC, for the purchase of two special-purpose machines (fluoroscopic machine on the high road clearance vehicle base). According to the purchase contract, the vehicles are of 2016 production.
The transaction price amounted to around 132 million AMD.
The purchase document informs that originally the tender application of this company was rejected: “…because the bid calculation of “Telia-Med” CJSC was wrong, specifically the VAT was miscalculated in the submitted bid.”
On 18.10.2016, “Telia-Med” CJSC filed a complaint to the Procurement Appeals Board of the RA.”
But the Company appealed the decision and the evaluation commission, based on the 01.11.2011 decision of the Procurement Appeals Board recognized “Telia-Med” CJSC the first in the bidding procedure.
Notably, the other companies participating in the tender had presented rather a high-price bids.