The Official Website of the Chamber of Advocates of the RA informs that on the 15.12.2016 the Committee of Advocates’ Rights Defence of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia with an expanded staff examined advocate Georg Melikyan’s statement num. ARD/0041/01/16 presented to the Chamber of Advocates of RA on account of the conduct of the prosecutor accusing in a criminal case and came out with the following statement:
– The Committee of Advocate’s Rights Defence of the Chamber of Advocates of RA strictly condemns the conduct of prosecutor K. Nersisyan (attack on the advocate, insult), that the latter permitted himself against Georg Melikyan, appearing as a defender in criminal case num. ARD/0041/01/16, as also against advocate Gayane Lyudvikyan defender in criminal case num. ARD 1/0016/01/16.
– ‘The committee expects the Prosecutor General’s Office in RA and other proper administrative authorities to hold an investigation and give a legal assessment to the deeds of prosecutor K. Nersisyan, as also will be discussed the expediency of his further prosecutor’s activity’.
At the same time, the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates of RA on account of the conduct of prosecutor K. Nersisyan towards advocate in criminal case num. ARD1/0016/01/16 Gayane Lyudvikyan, and advocate in criminal case num. ARD/0041/01/16 Georg Melikyan, presented a statement to the Attorney General of RA in order to call the prosecutor to responsibility.