The Government has started the process of optimization of State Non-Commercial Organizations (SNCO). Decisions on liquidation and restructuring in SNCO system are taken at almost every session of the Executive. The Ministry of Justice has presented the largest draft, according to which as a result of merger and restructuring 2 SNCOs, 114 million AMD will be saved. Notably, there are several dozens of SNCOs, which require such funding. At the same time there are even larger organizations, with agreements with the cost that exceeds 200 million AMD. Below are the 6 most-funded State Non-Commercial Organizations.
In the below infographics provides statistics showing that funding of CNSOs grew in 2013 and 2014 while in 2015 and 2016 it remained the same.
In 2016, 387 million 458 thousand AMD was allocated for the Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Forensic Medicine of the Ministry of Health. We learn from the agreement signed between the Ministry and SNCO that the mentioned amount was planned to conduct several expertise. The cost for the units of such expertise is provided below:
The largest funding by the Ministry of Justice in 2016, was allocated to the “Law Institute of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia” SNCO, which amounted to 345 million 166 thousand AMD. The agreement was signed on January 22 of this year and will be in force till December 30. The SNCO has undertaken the obligation to organize special trainings and educational programs for the officers of the Ministry of Justice of the RA.
”Sevan” National Park SNCO is the most funded by the Ministry of Nature Protection. According to the agreement this SNCO is responsible for the following activities: protection of the natural ecosystems and the gene pool of biological diversity of the landscape of the park, the protection of natural heritage (according to the agreement the necessary amount for all these activities makes 243.8 million AMD); fire prevention measures (900 thousand AMD); scientific studies (15.7 million AMD); forestry measures (9 million AMD). The total amount of all services is 269.4 million AMD.
The largest portion of funding from the Ministry of Agriculture, 620.4 million AMD went to ”Veterinary-Sanitary, Food Safety, Phytosanitary Services Center” SNCO.
The aim of the project is to have a livestock, which will have an immunity against various diseases, to have a stable epidemiological situation in the entire republic, a high level of protection of population from infectious diseases common to humans and animals.
It is foreseen to vaccinate and have 900 thousand large cattle animals having immunity against diseases, 1219 thousand small cattle animals, 587 thousand pigs and other animals.
The next major allocation is to ”Hayantar” SNCO – 1.2 billion AMD. The aim of this project is the protection of forests in the RA. In 2012-2013 the financing of this SNCO totaled to 720 million AMD annually, in 2014 – 971 million AMD, and in 2015 it was the same as this year.
‘‘Yerevan State Conservatory Named after Komitas’’ is operating under the Ministry of Education and Science and gets 675 million AMD.
This amount is foreseen for the pension of the average annual 433 outstanding students as a total compensation of the tuition.
”Byurakan Observatory” receives 220 million AMD financing. This SNCO is implementing a 4 stages program in the sphere of astronomy: the first stage is creating necessary conditions and collecting information; the second stage is processing the collected information; the third stage is discussing the results and the last stage is summarizing these results. According to the agreement, the salary for 4 trimesters makes 120 million AMD. 50 million AMD is foreseen for the purchase and repair of scientific devices and 50 million AMD – for other economic expenditures. The agreement signed in January 2015 was published in the Electronic Government system (e-gov) under the financing of 2016.
The ”Service” SNCO has signed an agreement of 387 million AMD. It is clear from the name of this organization that it provides services for the buildings attached to the Government of the RA.
In 2016, the State Service for Food Safety has signed an agreement in the amount of 348 million AMD. This amount is spent on the food expertise.
It is interesting that the most modest recourses are spent on NSCOs attached to the staff of the working staff of the President of Armenia. The ”Public Administration Academy of the RA” has received the most funding (15.6 million AMD) in recent years.
Gevorg Tosunyan