During the past 5 days 691 citizens who recovered from respiratory infections were discharged from hospitals. Iravaban.net learnt this from the RA ministry of Health.
According to the source, today in the morning 160 citizens who recovered from acute respiratory infections were discharged from hospitals. 136 of them were under 18 years of age. Out of 57 who were discharged had diagnosis of pneumonia, of which 29 were children.
Thus, during the past 5 days 691 citizens who recovered from respiratory infections were discharged from hospitals. 592 of them were under 18 years of age. Out of 241who were discharged had diagnosis of pneumonia, of which 134 were under 18 years.
The Ministry also informed that 15 patients infected with H1N1 virus were transferred to the wards from intensive care units. Yesterday, only 1971 patients with respiratory infections applied to the clinical services. The number of applied patients on 15 January was 3116.