Rescission of the Contract of Lease of Housing Premises

The lessee of housing premises shall have the right, with the consent of other citizens permanently living with him/her, at any time to rescind the contract of lease with three months written warning to the lessor.

The contract of lease of housing premises may be rescinded by judicial procedure on demand of the lessor in cases:

1) failure of the lessee to make lease payment for the housing premises more than two times at the expiration of the time period for payment established by the contract;

2) destruction or spoilage of the housing premises by the lessee or by other citizens for whose actions he is liable.

If the lessee of the housing premises or other citizens for whose actions he is liable use the housing premises not for their purpose or systematically violate the rights and interests of neighbors, the lessor has the right to warn the lessee of the necessity of eliminating the violations and also to rescind the contract of lease of housing premises by judicial procedure.

The contract of lease of housing premises may be rescinded by judicial procedure on the demand of either of the parties to the contract:

1) if the housing premises ceases to be suitable for permanent living and also in case of its wrecked condition;

2) in other cases provided by a statute or contract.

In case of rescission of a contract of lease of housing premises, the lessee and other citizens living in the housing premises by the time of rescission of the contract shall be subject to eviction from the housing premises on the basis of the decision of the court.

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