Some violations occurred at “Kentron” notary office

Today “Konetron” notary AlvardMelkonyan was suspended for the period of June 30, 2012 – December 28, 2012 by Justice Minister decision of 29.06.2012 # 116-A. 

iravaban.nettried to get AlvardMalkonyan’s opinion on what happened. “What kind of people are you that never call for good news, but only for bad one”, – angrily says AlvardMelkonyan.
In 2009 Armenian Young Lawyers Association with OSCE support implemented monitoring of Notary offices. It started on August 18 2009 and ended on September 15 of the same year. At the end of the monitoring, report on results was prepared.
Report identified violations at “Kentron” Notary office. Moreover former Justice MinisterGevorgDanielyan intervened and blocked the monitoring there. Only after involvement of the Prime Minister, the monitoring was resumed.

Below is an excerpt from that report.

“The prior registration at “Kentron” notary was not functioning. Moreover, the notary would yell at an old man in the line who complained about random people being admitted bypassing the line.”, – observer reports. At this notary office friends and family of the notary were served first, while general public had to wait in line for hours. “Clearly, the system was biased. No wonder the clients were not satisfied with rude and arrogant attitude of the notary”.
“During the second stage of Notary and Public Records office monitoring from April 4 to May 13, 2012 there is another incident with the “Kentron” Notary”.

Here’s an excerpt from the second report.

“At Yerevan “Kentron” notary office, theobserverfoundthefollowing: “Diasporacouple and a fewotherclientswere standing in the line forthenotary. Itwas 17:30 buttheywerestillnotserved, sincesomeoldcustomers and interpreterswerecoming in and out. Thepeople in line startedtocomplaintointerpreters and sayingtheyhadbeen in line for so long. Theinterpreterrepliedrudely, sayingit’sherjob and shehadtherighttotake up so much time. Later, notarycameout and saidtheassistantwould look intotheir case. Thennotaryaskednottomakenoise and showedto a noticesayingthe pre-arrangedclientsweregivenpriority of order. At that office, one of thepeoplesaid he paid 5000 dramsevery time togetbythe line”.

Today notary of “Kentron” notary office AlvardMelkonyan was reprimanded and suspended by the Minister of Justice based on complaint from SonikMakaryan and other citizens related to preliminary sale agreement (ratification)onAramyan 72-80 street.
To remind, tomorrow notary chamber opening takes place. Earlier on April 22, elections at notary office were held to elect new chairman, deputy chairman and board members.

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