National Hero of Armenia Andranik Piloyan Found Guilty

The Anti-Corruption Criminal Court today, September 9, announced the verdict in the case of Armenia’s National Hero, former Minister of Emergency Situations Andranik Piloyan and 12 other defendants. The presiding judge was Tigran Davtyan.

It should be noted that in addition to Andranik Piloyan, charges were also brought against Ashot Hakobyan, Vigen Mkrtchyan, Hrachya Yeremyan, Mihrdad Matevosyan, Arthur Ohanyan, Ara Yaghjyan, Gor Hambardzumyan, Artak Beybutyan, Tatul Gevorgyan, Tigran Gasparyan, Gagik Poghosyan, and Vigen Grigoryan.

According to, the court decided to find defendants Vigen Grigoryan, Artak Beybutyan, Vigen Mkrtchyan, Arthur Ohanyan, and Hrachya Yeremyan guilty of the charges brought against them.

Ara Yaghjyan was acquitted, with the court declaring his innocence.

The charges against Ashot Hakobyan were re-qualified, and he was found guilty of committing fraud, which was carried out by a group of persons with prior agreement, using official powers or influence derived from them, and on a large scale.

The charges against Andranik Piloyan were also re-qualified. He had initially been charged with receiving a bribe. He was found guilty of abuse of official powers, receiving a large-scale bribe, as well as fraud.

The bail amounts applied as alternative measures for Ashot Hakobyan and Andranik Piloyan were left unchanged.

The court will address the sentencing during additional hearings.

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