“Preliminary Agreement to Establish ZCMC Research Center at Faculty,” Says Sargis Kelyan

In an exclusive interview with Iravaban.net, Professor Sargis Kelyan, Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Geology at Yerevan State University (YSU), revealed ongoing reform processes at the faculty, highlighting the significant role of the Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine (ZCMC) in these developments.

Prof. Kelyan announced that this year’s 14-day internship for second-year students of the Faculty of Geography and Geology was successfully conducted in Syunik region, with full financial support from ZCMC.

“Our students have returned with enhanced professional knowledge and profound impressions,” Prof. Kelyan stated. “We’ve mutually agreed to maintain the continuity of this initiative.”

He further elaborated on future plans: “We’re in discussions to organize educational camps, primarily aimed at raising awareness among schoolchildren. Our initial focus will be on students from the Syunik region. The program will include mine visits, university tours, introductions to our educational processes, and guided tours of the Geology Museum.”

A key revelation from the interview was the preliminary agreement to establish a ZCMC research center within the faculty. Prof. Kelyan explained, “This center will enable us to provide advanced scientific research services. Importantly, it will offer our students invaluable opportunities to engage in real-world research processes and gain crucial practical experience.”

This collaboration between YSU and ZCMC represents a significant step towards bridging academic education with industry needs, potentially setting a new standard for university-industry partnerships in Armenia.

For comprehensive details, please refer to the video interview.


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