The Procedure defines in Detail in which Case Each Method of Managing the Gift will be chosen: Elina Geghamyan

“We are defining the exact order for the gifts that become the property of the state. In other words, what further actions should the State Property Management Committee take regarding property management?,”  Ms Elina Geghamyan, advisor to the Minister of Justice said in an interview with

According to her the draft, which has already been sent for approval by the executive branch, establishes the rules for the transfer of property for temporary safekeeping. If the property is perishable, flammable or requires special storage conditions, it is necessary to contact the authorized bodies, receive professional advice on gift issues and ensure the safety of gifts under the specified conditions.

“The Committee will also ask the opinion of the body that received the gift before its disposition. It is indicated in successive steps how the process of managing the gift will be carried out,” Geghamyan said.

The Procedure defines in detail in which case each method of managing the gift will be chosen.

Details in the video.

This publication was prepared by the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO in cooperation with CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia within the framework of the “Multi-Faceted OGP Action: Open Justice & Anti-Corruption Commitments” project implemented with the support of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), in the framework of the European Union funded “EU for Integrity Programme for the Eastern Partnership” Action.

The publication expresses the position of the author, the ALA, which does not necessarily coincide with the position of the OGP and the EU.

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