First lawyer guest was from the banking sector

From now on YSU Faculty of Law will host practicing lawyers to provide students with the opportunity of the direct communication.

Lawyers, working in various public and private institutions, will introduce students not only the existing issues in the field, but also the role of the lawyer in this all.

“We are beginning to implement a new function, the basis of which was laid down very long ago. One of the directions of our strategy presumes the provision with practical knowledge and skills, and we will start with a series of informal meetings with the representatives (managers) of similar organizations,” – says Dean of the faculty Gagik Ghazinyan.

The first guest of future lawyers was Mher Grigoryan, the Chairman of the Management Board of “ARDSHININVESTBANK” CJSC. Though he manages a financial institution, he is a lawyer, a graduate of YSU Faculty of Law.

“It seems that the profession of lawyer has no direct connection with the banking sector, with the exception of judicial cases, but nothing is like that. Banking business in any of its elements contains serious legal problems. The bank which is able to solve these problems, becomes more competitive and secure,” – said in the beginning of the lecture Mr. Grigoryan.

According to him, one of the main objectives in banking industry are legal services, sometimes even more important than the financial calculations.

“If bank provides loans without legal expertise, it will become a problem in a couple of months, regardless of client’s solvency” – he says.

He focused on our country’s banking legislation, recalling the 90s, when he had just graduated from YSU and started to work, when the legislation simply did not exist: “Today, the banking legislation of the RA is the most developed in the CIS.”

The lecture was followed by a discussion between students and the speaker.

As a result of cooperation between the faculty and a number of public and private institutions of Armenia, from now on, legal issues arising in these structures will be researched by students in their graduate works, master’s theses and dissertations.

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