When may the President be impeached?

The President of the Republic shall be immune.
The President of the Republic may not be prosecuted or held liable for actions arising from his/her status during and after his/her term of office.
The President of the Republic may be prosecuted for the actions not connected with his or her status after the expiration of his/her term of office.
The President may be impeached for state treason or other heavy crimes.
In order to obtain a conclusion on the motion of impeaching the President of the Republic from office, the National Assembly shall appeal to the Constitutional Court by a resolution adopted by the majority of the deputies.
The resolution to remove the President of the Republic from office shall be passed by the National Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of deputies, based on the conclusion of the Constitutional Court.
In the event that the Constitutional Court concludes that there are no grounds for impeaching the President of the Republic the motion shall be removed from the agenda of the National Assembly.



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