For the first time since 1994, a three-month period has been set for the training of reservists: Armen Avtandilyan

This is a regular event held within the framework of the reservists’ readiness training, which was planned a few months ago, commenting on the purpose of the three-month gathering of reservists starting from 25 August, 2021, Armen Avtandilyan, head of the conscription and mobilization service of the Ministry of Defense said on Public TV.

He noted that so far the training sessions have been held for 10 days, but this is the first time since 1994 that a three-month period has been set.

“The terms are decided by the government. The first term decided by the government is 3 months. After holding training camps to have trained military reservists, they will be attached to military units so that we have more ready reservists at the time of replenishment,” Armen Avtandilyan said.

According to Avtandilyan, the purpose of the training camp is to involve the reservists in short-term military service.

“After being drafted, they will be considered servicemen, they will enjoy all the privileges of servicemen, and will receive salary as well,” he said.

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