I have been serving the homeland as a state minister for about a month: Artak Beglaryan

The State Minister of the Artsakh Republic Artak Beglaryan wrote on his Facebook page.

“Dear compatriots,

I have been serving the homeland as a state minister for about a month. Of course, this is a fairly short period of time for the report on the activities of the organization I lead, but we live in a situation where new problems and challenges arise every day, every day we all build our future to the best of our ability, but often with great effort.

And how safe and prosperous that day will be depends equally on the thinking and behavior of each of us. Realizing this simple truth, I invite you to a dialogue via a Facebook press conference:

On 1 July, at 10:00 am, the press conference will be broadcast live on the Facebook pages of my information headquarters, Artsakh Public Television.

The video version will be available on these pages and on Artsakh Public Television according to their broadcast schedule.

If you have any questions, you can write them in advance under this post or send them to stateminister.pr@gmail.com At the address until 30 June, at 18:00.

If I have free time, I am ready to answer the questions asked during the press conference.”


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