At the session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Human Rights Defender raised the issue of the ethnic cleansing policy by Azerbaijani Armed Forces during war

The RA Human Rights Defender’s Office informs.

“At the March 19 session of the 46th term of the UN Human Rights Council, a special video message of the Republic of Armenia (RA) Human Rights Defender was broadcast setting forth the following:

During the September-November war of 2020, the Azerbaijani armed forces pursued a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

The video message pointed out the existence of a policy of anti-Armenianism in Azerbaijan with the tacit support of the authorities, which is encouraged by cultural, sports and other public figures.

All of this is based on objective evidence.

The video emphasizes that since September 27, the monitoring of both Azerbaijani and Turkish media and social networks has registered mass hatred, calls for murder, violence and torture, which also target Armenian children.

Ethnically motivated crimes against Armenians are encouraged by the Azerbaijani authorities; and, these crimes have been confirmed by ECHR judgments.

PS: Only national human rights organizations with “A” international status have the opportunity to deliver such video messages.”

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