It is beneficial for both Armenia and Azerbaijan: Pashinyan on the opening of communications

Today, on 20 March, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited Aragatsotn region.

“No matter what they say, the opening of communications is a mutually beneficial topic. If someone says that the opening of roads is beneficial only for Azerbaijan, do not believe it, if they say that the opening of communications is beneficial only for Armenia, do not believe it, it is beneficial for both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

There will be a lot of speculation in these discussions, but the solution will be the opening of communications, it is in Azerbaijan’s interest, because it should have a connection with Nakhichevan, Armenia’s interest, because we will have a secure land-rail connection with Russia and Iran. This means that the state of our country’s economy can change significantly.

If we manage to open the railways of Armenia, we will be able to export copper not in the form of ore, but will set up copper smelters to ensure the chain of further processing. But for that, we, as a state, must protect the people’s property right to the subsoil, so that the subsoil serves not the individuals, but the well-being of the people of Armenia,” he said in his speech.

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