The Supreme Judicial Council is in a difficult situation. Member of the SJC

Vigen Kocharyan, a member of the Supreme Judicial Council, said in his speech that these changes are an important step towards the introduction of the institute for ensuring the integrity of the judicial system.

“The draft package has been the subject of much debate and many suggestions were made to the SJC. It is important that this is not a temporary phenomenon or a campaign, but a permanent mechanism,” the SJC member said.

There is no unanimous opinion in the SJC on decreasing the age threshold of judges, but many members think that lowering the age limit is wrong.

Notably, the Ministry of Justice had submitted for public discussion the draft law on making amendments and supplements to the Judicial Code, as well as to the Law on the Constitutional Court and related laws.

According to the draft, the age limit has been reduced from 28 to 25, and 3 years instead of 5 years of professional experience.

The current Judicial Code provides that a person who has a degree in law and has been teaching law for at least 5 years in higher education or who has done scientific work in a scientific institution shall have the right to apply to the Supreme Judicial Council for being included in the candidates’ list.

Details in the video.

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