Neighbors on the same Floor refused reconcile

Today on 11 February, the Court of General Jurisdiction of Shirak marz continued considering the criminal case on the fact of Donara Manukyan’s beating her neighbor.


Karen Hovhannesyan, Advocate of Yerevan Anti-Corruption Center, who represents Donara Manukyan’s the interests, referred to the solicitation he made during the past court session requesting on to refrain from consideration of the document on deciphering the telephone records as an evidence. He also made a motion to refrain from including the “Nokia” cell phone and the records made through this phone it by the daughter of the injured as it was also applicable and might not be considered acceptable. The advocate referred to the corresponding articles of the RA Criminal Code as well.


The prosecution party did not accept the solicitation. The injured party and their defender joined the prosecution’s opinion.


The Court once and again urged the parties to reconcile. However either party did not initiate finding reconciliation edges.


The Court proceeded to argumentation and the prosecution in its speech provided statistics of 2012, informing that 134 cases had been registered in Shirak marz under Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the RA. Only 5 cases of the overall 134 proceeded to the Court, however all these 5 cases were closed as the injured reconciled. The prosecution in its turn urged the parties to reconcile, and at the same time noted that this was the first case where the parties did not try to find possibilities for reconciliation. In the final part of accusation the prosecution considered Manukyan’s offense founded and solicited to recognize her guilty and impose a fine of 60.000AMD at the same time leave the mean of restraint cognizance not to leave the place unchanged.


Donara Mkrtchayan’s defender in his counsel’s address noted that the investigation activities were conducted in violation of the norms of the Criminal Code of the RA. He added that not related and inadmissible evidences were considered in the accusation, and which should be removed from the bulk of the evidences. He also added that there were no evidences that D. Manukyan had committed an offense, and at the same time there were great many evidences, including the testimonies of the witnesses, that prove Donara Manukyan was in another place at the time when the crime took place, and thus she could not have beaten the injured K. Martirosyan. The defender also mentioned that the testimony of the victim’s daughter were in the grounds of the proof, who in fact is an interested party in the case and thus her testimony should not have been considered as a proof.


The court delayed the court hearing for the last plea of the defendant and thus provided another opportunity for reconciliation of the parties – neighbors on the same floor.
The next court hearing is set on 20 February at 10:00am.


Newsmaker: Lusaber Ter Gevorgyan



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