The Institute for Criminalization of Illicit Enrichment must be applied, otherwise it be would not work: Yervand Varosyan

Lawyer Yervand Varosyan is for the introduction the institute of Illicit enrichment; however he has serious doubts related with its execution. In the interview with Mr. Varosyan noted: ‘‘I think we shall again deal a sort of imitation process especially having the aim to present it to the international donors, to show that there is serious struggle against corruption.” He is also skeptical with regard to the issue that criminalization of illicit enrichment in Armenia shall result in calling to liability the officials that have acquired unjustifiable wealth. “I believe this will result in problems related with filling in declarations. For example the property and income that basically gets official shall not be declared.”

The lawyer refers to the current situation as a counter argument. “The current legislation provides opportunity to fight against the illegal enrichment, if there is a real willingness to fight against the illegal enrichment of the officials. For example: abuse of authority, etc. Everything is criminalized, but I do not see any attempts. If I see these attempts, and understand that something prevents law enforcement authorities and the illegal enrichment is not criminalized, then I shall say that there is a need of it.”

However, our interlocutor stresses, that criminalization of illicit enrichment is a good idea and is acceptable. He said levers are necessary, but what is more important: is ensuring there applicability. “It seems to me that the newly created levers shall not work properly as the existing ones do. The idea of establishing one more lever itself is good, simply it should be applied,” he said.

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